About Us

We are an unofficial group of students who are sick and tired of seeing WMU make stupid financial decisions. We feel that this public display of stupidity manifested in the renovation of Lot 49 is a perfect example of this. The primary organizers and idea-makers so far are the following:

Dustin Spicuzza has been very enthusiastic about this project and has done most of the work and organization associated with it, including hosting and designing this website. He has coordinated our very effective media awareness campaign. He is currently an undergraduate student at Western Michigan University majoring in Computer Engineering with a minor in Computer Science and Mathematics. You can contact him through his blog at http://www.virtualroadside.com/blog/ and access his resume at http://www.virtualroadside.com/resume.html.

Jon Anderson came up with the original idea of putting giant price tags on the objects in the "Green Space". Jon just recently graduated from Western Michigan University in 2007 with a Computer Science major and is now a graduate student at WMU. You can read his blog at http://jonathanryan.org.

Additional Thanks to others who have lended their support and ideas to this project, especially the unnamed students and staff who have provided insight to the Lot 49 project. We couldn't have done it without you. Special thanks to those who came out and helped us chalk up the parking lot.

Contact Us

You can email us at students@greenspace.virtualroadside.com. No spam please (not that it will help).